President’s Newsletter – September 2023
La versión en español está abajo. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Continental Council meeting: 1) At the meeting it was reported that an IPSC Junior Program is being developed. Also, IPSC Transgender policy is being...
WADA launches new e-learning course for Talented Level Athletes competing at a Major Event
Montreal, 29 August 2023 The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new interactive education course, ‘Talented Level Athletes competing at a Major Event,’ on its Anti-Doping Education and Learning Platform (ADEL). The course, which is...
Quality Practice – Structure and Guidelines Powered by Dillon Precision
Quality Practice – Structure and Guidelines By Christian Sailer, 2022 IPSC World Champion, Dillon Precision’s Sponsored Shooter The only way to improve your shooting ability is to practice. How fast you improve is directly correlated with the quality of...
IPSC Israel is officially recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports (Israel).
IPSC Israel has been officially recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports as a separate Directorate representing IPSC sports in Israel. “We successfully received the written recognition from the Ministry of Culture and Sports, approving our new directorate as...
IPSC supports the Alliance of Original IPSC Accessories Manufacturers
IPSC supports the Alliance of Original IPSC Accessories Manufacturers.To combat and prevent the use of unsafe and illegal counterfeited accessories, some of the most important and notable IPSC sponsors and manufacturers of original equipment have joined...
IPSC Executive Council Report – June 2023
La versión en español está abajo. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting: 1) Preliminary Financial report was presented to the meeting. After the audit it will be presented to the Regional Directors....
Hong Kong Practical Shooting Association (HKPSA) showcases IPSC Action Air at 2023 Olympic Day in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Practical Shooting Association (HKPSA) showcases IPSC Action Air at 2023 Olympic Day in Hong Kong To celebrate International Olympic Day and promote the spirit of the Olympics, the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC)...
KAHLES launches the K18i-2: The Match Winner!
KAHLES K18i-2: THE MATCH WINNER – WITH 50-m FIELD OF VIEW News from our major partner @kahles.sportshooting. A new KAHLES K18i-2 will be launched. With an unparalleled 50-m field of view the K18i-2 sets a new standard for IPSC matches. With 8x...
IPSC and ISSF Discussed Closer Cooperation For Sports Development Worldwide
IPSC AND ISSF DISCUSSED CLOSER COOPERATION FOR SPORTS DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE ISSF President Luciano Rossi, IPSC President Vitaly Kryuchin, IROA President Dino Evangelinos, and Chairman of Barbados Shooting Council Geoffrey Browne held an online meeting to discuss...
President’s Newsletter – June 2023
Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Continental Council meeting: 1) A Constitution Committee report was presented to the meeting. The Constitution Committee has been considering the items which had been requested by the Regions....
Rule Books April 2023 Now Available
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: All the Rule Books April 2023 are published on the IPSC web page: https://www.ipsc.org/ipsc-rules/rule-books/
President’s Letter – May 2023
La versión en español está abajo. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting: 1) The plan of IPSC ESS further development was presented to the meeting. Starting from June 01 educational workshops will be...
President’s Newsletter – April 2023
Spanish version is below. Dear Regional Directors, IPSC Officials and Athletes! Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) was conducted on March 31, 2023. The Assembly was mainly focused on discussing the proposed Rules amendments deferred from the 2022 Assembly. Among...
AIMS Congratulates the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC)
The Alliance of Independent recognised Members of Sport (AIMS) in a recent press release congratulated IPSC for the success of the XIX World Shoot in Pattaya, Thailand and Mr. Vitaly Kryuchin on his reelection for a second term as IPSC President. You can read the full...
IPSC President’s Newsletter #2 – March 2023
La versión en español está abajo. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting: 1) The report on EHC Match Ammo was presented to the meeting. GECO is planning to be a Match Ammo provider. 2) MISIA...
IPSC President Newsletter – March 2023
La versión en español está abajo. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Continental Council meeting: 1) The request from South Africa to change the year of the African Handgun Championship to 2024 instead of 2025 was presented to...
International Testing Agency (ITA) Webinar – “Consequences of doping part 1: impact on emotions”.
Please see below information about the webinar from the International Testing Agency (ITA) dedicated to “Consequences of doping part 1: impact on emotions”. A driver of intentional doping is for an athlete to improve their performance to achieve greater success...
2023 European Handgun Championship – Official Website Now LIVE!
If you are attending the 2023 European Handgun Championship, we are pleased to announce the website is now LIVE! This is a Level IV Match - athetles must contact their Regional Director to register for this match.
President’s Newsletter – January 2023
La versión en español está abajo. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting: 1) Several proposals to re-name the recently approved category “Veteran” were discussed by the Rules Committee and presented to...
IPSC Present at 2023 Shot Show in Las Vegas
IPSC PRESENT AT 2023 SHOT SHOW IN LAS VEGAS IPSC BOOTH: 43362 Please join us and visit IPSC - International Practical Shooting Confederation at the upcoming 2023 SHOT Show in booth 43362 in Venetian Level 1. The Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade SHOT Show will be held...
IPSC Present At IF Forum, GAISF Extraordinary GA And IOC Joint Meeting
IPSC PRESENT AT IF FORUM, GAISF EXTRAORDINARY GA AND IOC JOINT MEETING 28-29 November 2022LAUSANNE, Switzerland Safe Sport and Sustainability Under the Spotlight as Key Stakeholders Meet in Lausanne for IF Forum 2022. Hundreds of...
World Shoot XIX – Link to Interim Match Results
Click HERE to Check Interim Match Results Last Update: November 26
REVISION: Grip panels allowed in Handgun Production, Production Optics and Production Optics Light Divisions – Updated: November 14, 2022
IPSC and BENELLI enter into major partnership in the field of ‘IPSC Shotgun’
IPSC AND BENELLI ENTER INTO PARTNERSHIP by IPSCWorld | 7.11.2022| News and Announcements IPSC and BENELLI enter into major partnership in the field of ‘IPSC Shotgun’ IPSC is pleased to announce the cooperation with the BENELLI as an Official...
World Shoot XIX – Competitors and Team Recognitions
Registration for World Shoot XIX is complete and we have the statistics with the number of Individual and Team Recognitions that will be awarded. Click HERE for the full list. Good luck to all our athletes competing and we are looking forward to see you all on the...
Continental Council Meeting – October 2022
Spanish version is below. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Continental Council meeting: 1) HWS 2022 preparation report was presented to the meeting by Voravith Chavananand, HWS Match Director. Stage briefings were approved...
President’s Newsletter – October 2022
Spanish version is below. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting: 1) Proposed draft of the Rules amendments were discussed at the meeting. Rules proposals from Brazil, Colombia and Israel were discussed at...
Continental Council Meeting – August 2022
Spanish version is below. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Continental Council meeting: 1) Reports from the IPSC Zones were presented to the meeting. In general the situation is positive: Level I-III...
IPSC President’s Newsletter – August 2022
Spanish version is below. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting: 1) IPSC draft budget for 2023 was presented to the meeting and discussed by the Executive Council members. 2) IPSC General Assembly...
IPSCWorld Magazine Volume X Issue 1 Now Available!
The latest issue of IPSCWorld Magazine is now live! - Click on the cover to read: https://flipflashpages.uniflip.com/.../112.../pub/html5.html..#ipscworld #ipsc #DVC #MISIA #worldshoot #2022pahc