AR-GDR ACADEMY from Caracas, Venezuela has become the first MISIA Club Partner.

AR-GDR ACADEMY from Caracas, Venezuela has become the first MISIA Club Partner.

AR-GDR ACADEMY from Caracas, Venezuela has become the first MISIA Club Partner.

AR-GDR Academy was founded in 1998, specializing in Handgun, Rifle, PCC and Shotgun.
It has its own shooting range and its own sports ammunition factory. In addition, the academy also provides rental sales of equipment and firearms.

Members of the AR-GDR ACADEMY may train all year round and get high level certifications in practical shooting.

After becoming a MISIA Club Partner, AR-GDR ACADEMY has received such privileges as:

1) Two (2) free slots for participation in the MISIA Instructor or Trainer Seminar annually
2) 10% discount for any extra participants in the Seminars
3) Partner will be recommended to Athletes and Seminar Participants
4) Publishing on all MISIA platforms
5) Opportunity to publish advertisement on al MISIA platforms
6) 20% discount on MISIA education materials

For more information, please visit

President’s Newsletter – September 2024

President’s Newsletter – September 2024

La versión en español está abajo. 

Dear Regional Directors,

I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting:

  1. ESS report. It was reported that few more Regions were added to the ESS and started conducting matches using the system.
  2. Proposal to start working on dividing World Shoot into Iron and Optics was considered by the Executive Council. Questionnaire to check the feeling of the Regions and athletes will be sent to the Regional Directors and to the Athletes Committee.
  3. The request from Brazil to have an exemption to use .38TPC (9×18 with a power factor 126,48) for Handgun and PCC to be in compliance with local laws was considered by the meeting. General feeling was positive. Once an official request is submitted and considered, the authorization will be granted.
  4. The need to fill in the WADA Code Compliance Questionnaire and the need to establish a Medical Committee to consider Therapeutic Use Exemption was discussed by the meeting.

Best regards,

Vitaly Kryuchin

IPSC President


Estimados Directores Regionales,


Me gustaría compartir algunas noticias de la reciente reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo:


  1. Informe del sistema ESS. Se informó que se agregaron algunas Regiones más al ESS y se comenzaron a realizar competencias utilizando el sistema.
  2. El Consejo Ejecutivo examinó la propuesta de dividir el World Shoot en Iron y Optics. El cuestionario para verificar el sentir de las Regiones y los atletas se enviará a los Directores Regionales y al Comité de Atletas.
  3. La solicitud de Brasil de tener una exención para usar .38TPC (9×18 con un factor de potencia de 126,48) para Handgun y PCC para cumplir con las leyes locales fue considerada por la reunión. El sentimiento general fue positivo. Una vez que se presente y considere una solicitud oficial, se otorgará la autorización.
  4. La necesidad de completar el Cuestionario de Cumplimiento del Código de la AMA y la necesidad de crear un Comité Médico para considerar la Exención de Uso Terapéutico fueron discutidas por la reunión.



Vitaly Kryuchin

Presidente de IPSC

ITA Monthly Webinar 2024 – August Registration

ITA Monthly Webinar 2024 – August Registration

ITA’s August monthly webinar is dedicated to “Proactive reporting – your questions answered”.  

REVEAL, ITA’s proactive reporting platform, offers a simple and trustworthy solution for any individual in the sports world to report behaviour that goes against the principle of clean sport.

  • How do I use REVEAL?
  • What happens after a report is submitted?
  • How is confidentiality maintained for the reporter?
  • Can I report if I am not 100% sure? 

These are a few common questions asked about reporting which François Marclay PhD, ITA Senior I&I Manager will answer in this session. We aim to demystify the process, and give athletes, support personnel and other members of the sport community confidence to report what they have seen, heard, know or suspect, no matter how big or small, to Keep Sport Real.

ITA will leave time at the end of the session to answer your live questions on this topic.

As always, ITA is pleased to deliver these webinars in English with simultaneous translation to four additional languages – Arabic (العربية), Spanish (español), French (français) and Russian (русский).


Topic: Proactive reporting – your questions answered

Registration link

Event date: Tuesday 27 August, 14:00 – 15:00 CEST

Panellist: François Marclay, PhD – ITA Senior I&I Manager

Moderator: Nikki Hamblin, OLY – ITA Education Team 

President’s Newsletter – September 2024

IPSC President’s Newsletter – July 2024

La versión en español está abajo. 

Dear Regional Directors,

I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting:

  1. An update on the development of the ESS system was provided to the meeting. There are new features which were developed based on the Regions’ requests such as restriction access to international matches, discipline-specific access and integration of match briefing.
  2. Rules Interpretations concerning the definition of the lens and concerning the bipods in Rifle matches were approved by the meeting. They are published at the IPSC web page.
  3. Action Air Combined Rules were approved by the meeting and will be published at the IPSC web page.
  4. Rules Proposals were presented to the meeting. They were approved by the meeting and will be sent out to the Regional Directors for their consideration within the next few days.


Best regards,
Vitaly Kryuchin
IPSC President


Estimados Directores Regionales:

Me gustaría compartir algunas noticias de la reciente reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo:

  1. En la reunión se presentó información actualizada sobre el desarrollo del sistema ESS. Hay nuevas características que se implementaron en función de las solicitudes de las Regiones, como la restricción del acceso a competenciasinternacionales, el acceso específico de la disciplina y la integración de la sesión informativa de competencias.
  2. Las interpretaciones de las reglas relativas a la definición de la lente y a los bípodes en las competenciasde rifle fueron aprobadas por la reunión. Se publican en la página web del IPSC.
  3. Las Reglas Combinadas de Acción de Airefueron aprobadas por la reunión y se publicarán en la página web del IPSC.
  4. Se presentaron propuestas de reglas a la reunión. Fueron aprobadas y serán enviadas a los Directores Regionales para su consideración en los próximos días.


Vitaly Kryuchin
Presidente de IPSC

IPSC is Re-Launching its Online Store

IPSC is Re-Launching its Online Store

IPSC is Re-Launching its Online Store

IPSC re-launches its Official Online Store and welcomes its new partner Eemann Group in the field of ‘Official Licensed IPSC Merchandise’ online and offline distribution.

The worldwide need to develop an official IPSC Online Store and the desire of IPSC to organize a modern system for the development, ordering and distribution of officially licensed products containing IPSC symbolics are among the reasons for updating the store, which has worked for many years to benefit athletes and fans of our sport.

Vitaly Kryuchin, IPSC President: «Eemann Group has a vast experience, skills, and desire to ensure the developing of the system for the development, ordering and distribution of products containing IPSC symbolics and assuming the responsibilities of the Official IPSC Online Store operator».

Dmitri Eemann, Eemann Group CEO: «Our main goal is to make IPSC souvenirs, accessories, and exclusive IPSC Licensed Merchandise available for everybody worldwide, to proudly support or beloved sport. We believe in the success of this partnership with IPSC and we are looking forward to a long and prosper cooperation and further development of the sport of practical shooting».

Access to the store will be available from the Official IPSC website,, and by visiting

IPSC granted a license to become the exclusive partner and IPSC Store operator to Eemann Group to ensure long term development and a high quality of innovative merchandise and customer satisfaction.

The CZ Shooting Team takes home 12 medals from the CZ Extreme Euro Open 2024!

The CZ Shooting Team takes home 12 medals from the CZ Extreme Euro Open 2024!

Shooters who sported CZ colors in Hodonice won five gold, four silver and three bronze medals!

Uhersky Brod, Czech Republic (24 June 2024)

Members of the CZ Shooting Team had impressive victories at the IPSC’s CZ Extreme Euro Open competition, which took place from 20 to 22 June 2024 at the Hodonice shooting range, near the Czech city of Znojmo. This competition is one of the biggest and most difficult of the shooting season, with the largest attendance of sport shooters from all over the world. A total of 1,093 shooters from 55 countries participated in this year’s competition.

The CZ Extreme Euro Open is an IPSC Level III shooting competition. This year’s event was very well organized, with shooters facing thirty attractive, but difficult, stages. Individual stages allowed competitors to shoot on the move and enjoy each of them at the same time. Members of the CZ Shooting Team skillfully advanced through the stages and achieved excellent results.

Due to his stellar performance, Robin Sebo won the gold medal in the OPEN division. Miroslav Havlicek secured the bronze. Martina Sera dominated the Lady category and deservedly took home the gold medal. All members of the CZ Shooting Team utilized CZ 75 TS CZECHMATE pistols when competing in the OPEN division.

In the popular PRODUCTION division, which had the most competitors, the silver medal went to Argentine shooter German Romitelli, who is a member of the CZ Shooting Team. Portuguese shooter Miguel Ramos finished in fourth place and Argentine Juan Pablo Duran came in fifth. In the Senior category, Serbian shooter Ljubisa Momcilovic defended his European Championship title and added another gold medal to the CZ Shooting Team’s collection. The silver medal in the Lady category was won by Italian Camilla Almici. In the PRODUCTION division, all members of the CZ Shooting Team had the CZ SHADOW 2 ORANGE model in hand.

The PRODUCTION OPTICS division was dominated by Frenchman Eric Grauffel. Martin Kamenicek came in second and thus secured the silver medal. The bronze went to Filipino Edcel John Gino. In the Junior category, French shooter Robin Grauffel took home the silver. The excellent results seen in the PRODUCTION OPTICS division were achieved through the use of CZ SHADOW 2 ORANGE OR pistols.

Members of the CZ Shooting Team also achieved impressive results in the STANDARD division. The gold medal was won by the excellent performance of Filipino Kahlil Adrian Viray. The bronze medal was won by Zdenek Liehne and Josef Rakusan finished in fourth place. The use of CZ TS 2 ORANGE pistols by these competitors was a contributing factor to their success.

As a proud general partner of the CZ Extreme Euro Open, CZ thanks the organizers for their valued cooperation and ensuring smooth operation of the entire competition, the judges for their commitment, and all shooters who participated in the event. We would like to congratulate the winners and wish them much success in the competitions that follow this season.


Results of the competition:


OPEN division Overall (109 competitors)

  1. Robin Sebo (CZE), CZ Shooting Team 100 %
  2. Angel Angelov (AUT)                      98,41 %
  3. Miroslav Havlicek (CZE), CZ Shooting Team 98,26 %


OPEN division, Lady category

  1. Martina Sera (CZE), CZ Shooting Team


PRODUCTION division Overall (215 competitors)

  1. Michal Stepan (CZE) 100 %
  2. German Romitelli (ARG), CZ Shooting Team 99,76 %
  3. Aleksa Popovic (SER) 99,40 %
  4. Miguel Ramos (POR), CZ Shooting Team 98,84 %
  5. Juan Pablo Duran (ARG), CZ Shooting Team 97,12 %


PRODUCTION division, Senior category

  1. Ljubisa Momcilovic (SER), CZ Shooting Team


PRODUCTION division, Lady category

  1. Petra Nemcova (CZE)
  2. Camilla Almici (ITA), CZ Shooting Team


PRODUCTION OPTICS division Overall (180 competitors)

  1. Eric Grauffel (FRA), CZ Shooting Team 100 %
  2. Martin Kamenicek (CZE), CZ Shooting Team 95,39 %
  3. Edcel John Gino (PHI), CZ Shooting Team 94,69 %


PRODUCTION OPTICS division, Junior category

  1. Dan Koudelka (CZE)
  2. Robin Grauffel (FRA), CZ Shooting Team


STANDARD division Overall (121 competitors)

  1. Kahlil Adrian Viray (PHI), CZ Shooting Team 100 %
  2. Giacomo Bolzoni (ITA)                     97,03 %
  3. Zdenek Liehne (CZE), CZ Shooting Team               91,40 %
  4. Josef Rakusan (CZE), CZ Shooting Team               90,68 %


The CZ Shooting Team puts CZ firearms in the hands of the world’s best shooters, with the aim of achieving spectacular results. Competing in accordance with IPSC rules is a dynamic sport discipline, where speed is combined with accuracy. It consists of several divisions, with the most important being OPEN, PRODUCTION, PRODUCTION OPTICS and STANDARD. During the course of the competition, shooters must complete challenging stages, where he or she shoots at both static and moving targets from different positions or when on the move. The best way to approach each stage is not predefined. It is up to each shooter how they go through them. Only the score for each stage is important, which takes into account the speed and accuracy of the competitor‘s shooting.