Invitation to ITA December Webinar: “The Athlete Support Personnel – Athlete Relationship in Clean Sport”
Dear AIMS Members, As a part of AIMS collaboration with the International Testing Agency (ITA) we are delighted to inform you about the ITA's monthly webinars, which serve as an invaluable resource to enhance knowledge and promote best practices...

New ADEL Resources from AIMS and WADA
AIMS President message: Empowering the Next Generation with WADA’s Youth Anti-Doping Education InitiativeDear AIMS Members,We are thrilled to announce a powerful new initiative from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), aimed at educating young athletes on the...

WADA releases new e-learning course and downloadable resources targeting youth athletes
Montreal, 1 November 2024The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to announce two new additions to its Anti-Doping Education and Learning (ADEL) platform designed to enable Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) to educate youth athletes on the importance...

MISIA Seminar in Italy
The Main International Shooting Instructors Association (MISIA) is pleased to share highlights from the most recent International Instructors Handgun Seminar Level I held on October 10-11, 2024, in Italy. The seminar in Italy was held in the format of a...

AR-GDR ACADEMY from Caracas, Venezuela has become the first MISIA Club Partner.
AR-GDR ACADEMY from Caracas, Venezuela has become the first MISIA Club Partner. AR-GDR Academy was founded in 1998, specializing in Handgun, Rifle, PCC and Shotgun. It has its own shooting range and its own sports ammunition factory. In addition, the academy also...

President’s Newsletter – September 2024
La versión en español está abajo. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting: ESS report. It was reported that few more Regions were added to the ESS and started conducting matches using the system. Proposal to...

ITA Monthly Webinar 2024 – August Registration
ITA's August monthly webinar is dedicated to “Proactive reporting - your questions answered”. REVEAL, ITA’s proactive reporting platform, offers a simple and trustworthy solution for any individual in the sports world to report behaviour that goes against...

IPSC President’s Newsletter – July 2024
La versión en español está abajo. Dear Regional Directors, I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting: An update on the development of the ESS system was provided to the meeting. There are new features which were developed based on the...

IPSC is Re-Launching its Online Store
IPSC is Re-Launching its Online Store IPSC re-launches its Official Online Store and welcomes its new partner Eemann Group in the field of ‘Official Licensed IPSC Merchandise’ online and offline distribution.The worldwide need to develop an official IPSC...

The CZ Shooting Team takes home 12 medals from the CZ Extreme Euro Open 2024!
Shooters who sported CZ colors in Hodonice won five gold, four silver and three bronze medals! Uhersky Brod, Czech Republic (24 June 2024) Members of the CZ Shooting Team had impressive victories at the IPSC’s CZ Extreme Euro Open competition, which took...