IPSC Israel has been officially recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports as a separate Directorate representing IPSC sports in Israel.
“We successfully received the written recognition from the Ministry of Culture and Sports, approving our new directorate as the sole representative of IPSC sport in Israel. I would like to thank IPSC President and IPSC Executive Council members for continuous support and guidance.
I take this opportunity to thank sincerely and warmly the Israeli Shooting Federation for their continued cooperation and for helping IPSC Israel to become what it is now.
We are still facing a long way to dealing with our regulators. In the coming days, we will have mutual work groups with the division of firearms licensing and we hope to conclude all necessary changes in the nearest future.
In our long journey to independence we had 100% of Israeli IPSC clubs support, but most of the hard work was done by a selected crew – Riki Hollander, Rony Korem, Yaniv Botvinik, Said Haddad and Nahum Zarzif. Without their dedication, professionalism and belief, we wouldn’t have made it. I thank you all!”
– Mr. Itzik Ellenbogen, Regional Director of IPSC Israel, said.