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The 2021 IPSC Pan American Handgun Championship will be hosted by the USA


Dear Regional Directors,

Dear Athletes,

Dear Range Officers,

Dear Instructors and Trainers!


We would like to thank the Regions who participated in the voting on Pan American Handgun Championship 2021.


The USA was voted to host the Pan American Handgun Championship by a majority of votes:

USA – 12

Brazil – 1

Canada 1


Date: September 17-20, 2021

Venue: The Universal Shooting Academy in Frostproof, Florida


We would like to congratulate Mike Foley and Frank Garcia with the victory and wish them a successful championship!



Vitaly Kryuchin

IPSC President




Estimados Directores Regionales,

Estimados Atletas,

Estimados Oficiales de Rango,

Estimados Instructores y Entrenadores!


Queremos agradecer a las Regiones que participaron en la votación del Campeonato Panamericano de Armas de Mano 2021.


EE.UU. resulto la Region elegida como sede del Campeonato Panamericano de Armas de Mano por mayoría de votos:

EE.UU – 12

Brazil – 1

Canada – 1


17-20 de septiembre de 2021

Academia de tiro universal en Frostproof, Florida


¡Muchas Felicitaciones a Mike Foley y Frank García por la victoria y les deseamos un campeonato exitoso!



Vitaly Kryuchin

IPSC President