The 2021 IPSC Pan American Handgun Championship will be hosted by USA

The 2021 IPSC Pan American Handgun Championship will be hosted by USA

The 2021 IPSC Pan American Handgun Championship will be hosted by the USA


Dear Regional Directors,

Dear Athletes,

Dear Range Officers,

Dear Instructors and Trainers!


We would like to thank the Regions who participated in the voting on Pan American Handgun Championship 2021.


The USA was voted to host the Pan American Handgun Championship by a majority of votes:

USA – 12

Brazil – 1

Canada 1


Date: September 17-20, 2021

Venue: The Universal Shooting Academy in Frostproof, Florida


We would like to congratulate Mike Foley and Frank Garcia with the victory and wish them a successful championship!



Vitaly Kryuchin

IPSC President




Estimados Directores Regionales,

Estimados Atletas,

Estimados Oficiales de Rango,

Estimados Instructores y Entrenadores!


Queremos agradecer a las Regiones que participaron en la votación del Campeonato Panamericano de Armas de Mano 2021.


EE.UU. resulto la Region elegida como sede del Campeonato Panamericano de Armas de Mano por mayoría de votos:

EE.UU – 12

Brazil – 1

Canada – 1


17-20 de septiembre de 2021

Academia de tiro universal en Frostproof, Florida


¡Muchas Felicitaciones a Mike Foley y Frank García por la victoria y les deseamos un campeonato exitoso!



Vitaly Kryuchin

IPSC President

The 2021 IPSC Pan American Handgun Championship will be hosted by USA




Dear Regional Directors,

Dear Athletes,

Dear Range Officers,

Dear Instructors and Trainers!


I hope you and your family are staying safe!

I would like to share some news from the recent Executive Council meeting:


1)    Pan American Handgun Championship 2021


As Paraguay has withdrawn its candidacy from conducting Pan American in 2021, the bid was open for other Regions from the Zone. Three Regions have expressed their interest in bidding for hosting the match: Brazil, Canada and the USA. The online voting will take place at the beginning of July. (Only the Regions from Pan American Zone are eligible to vote).


2)    Bidding for conducting IPSC Level IV-V match. General requirements. 


The application for bidding for hosting IPSC Level IV-V will be updated so that all the information will be provided in a written form. The minimum required information will be: proposed location, type of accommodations and likely costs expressed in US dollars, general idea of the ‘cost of living’ in the location expressed in US dollars, proposed range facility and distance in kilometers/time from accommodations, anticipated weather conditions for the time of year, information about firearms legislation: magazine capacity,  terms of importing the ammo, barrel length, local price of ammo, possibility to ship ammo, possibility to keep firearm in the hotels where the athletes stay, facility to store firearms at the range, the time requirements of applying for permits for firearms and ammunition, information on any applicable import taxes for firearms and ammunition, proposed individual entry fee in US dollars, junior participation in the match, the possibility of renting firearms at the shooting range for participants, etc. It would be very important to get this information before voting to have a clear picture of the bidding Region.


3)    Match calendar 2021-2023


The following matches have been postponed by the request of hosting Regions:


a)     Far East Asia Handgun Championship (Laos) is postponed to 2022.

b)    European Handgun Championship (Greece) is postponed to 2023.


The current match calendar for 2021-2023 is:



African Handgun Championship, South Africa

Pan American Handgun Championship, tbc

Handgun World Shoot, Thailand



Action Air World Shoot, Russia

Far East Asia Handgun Championship, Laos

PCC World Shoot, USA

Shotgun World Shoot, Thailand



European Handgun Championship, Greece


4)    Disciplinary Committee


Terms of Reference of IPSC Disciplinary Committee are being finalized and will be presented to the Regional Directors soon.


5)    HWS Pre-match capacity


Understanding the high demand among IPSC athletes to have a chance to participate in Handgun World Shoot, the decision to increase the capacity of the Handgun World Shoot Pre-match for about 500 slots without changing the main schedule was approved. The details will be announced soon.


6)   Action Air Development in the Regions. 


We should remember that Action Air Discipline is the platform, where we can develop the junior sport, represent IPSC Game in any Exhibitions, Conventions and other public events without general restriction, concerning regular firearms.

The results of the questionnaire concerning Action Air development in the Regions are available HERE (click to download). 


7)    IPSC General Assembly. 


The main direction of IPSC HQ is to develop our sport and act logically based on the real-world situation, taking into account the interests of the Regions and the wishes of athletes and avoid unnecessary formalities and political ambitions.

Anyway, EC decided to organize an online voting so Regional Directors will choose the best solution for conducting the next General Assembly.


8)    IPSC Financial Report 2019


IPSC Financial report 2019 will be distributed to the Regional Directors at the second half of 2020 for their consideration.


9)   IPSC Competition Rules. June 2020 Interpretations. 


Rules interpretations for the Handgun and Combined Competition Rules extending the expiration date for 357SIG, Production Optics and Production Optics Light Divisions until 31 December 2021 have been discussed. The proper procedure for the ratification or modification is to be determined and presented to the Regional Directors.


Stay safe! DVC!


Vitaly Kryuchin

IPSC President







Estimados Directores Regionales,

Estimados atletas,

Estimados oficiales de rango,

Estimados instructores y entrenadores!


¡Espero que usted y su familia se mantengan saludables!


Me gustaría compartir algunas noticias de la reciente reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo:


1) Campeonato Panamericano de Pistola 2021


Debido a que Paraguay retiró su candidatura para dirigir el Panamericano en 2021, la oferta estaba abierta para otras Regiones de la Zona. Tres regiones han expresado su interés en presentar una oferta para organizar la competencia: Brasil, Canadá y Estados Unidos. La votación en línea tendrá lugar a principios de Julio. (Solo las Regiones de la Zona Panamericana son elegibles para votar).


2) Licitación para organizar una competencia IPSC Nivel IV-V. Requerimientos generales.


La solicitud de licitación para organizar un IPSC Nivel IV-V se actualizará para que toda la información se proporcione por escrito. La información mínima requerida será: ubicación propuesta, tipo de alojamiento y costos probables expresados en dólares estadounidenses, idea general del ‘costo de vida’ en la ubicación expresada en dólares estadounidenses, instalaciones de alcance propuestas y distancia en kilómetros / tiempo desde alojamientos, condiciones climáticas anticipadas para la época del año, información sobre la legislación sobre armas de fuego: capacidad del magazine, términos de importación de munición, longitud del cañón, precio local de la munición, posibilidad de enviar munición, posibilidad de mantener armas de fuego en los hoteles para los atletas, instalaciones para almacenar armas de fuego en la cancha, requisitos de tiempo para solicitar permisos para armas de fuego y municiones, información sobre los impuestos de importación aplicables para armas de fuego y municiones, tarifa de entrada individual propuesta en dólares estadounidenses, participación de menores en el partido, la posibilidad de alquilar armas de fuego en la cancha, etc. Sería muy importante obtener esta información antes de votar para tener una idea clara de la Región en licitación.


3) Calendario de competencias 2021-2023


Las siguientes competencias han sido pospuestas por solicitud de las Regiones anfitrionas:


a) Far East Asia Handgun Championship (Laos) se postpone para 2022.

b) European Handgun Championship (Grecia) se postpone para 2023.


El calendario de competencias actual para 2021-2023 es:



Campeonato Africano de Arma de Mano, Sudáfrica

Campeonato Panamericano de Armas de Mano, por confirmar

Handgun World Shoot, Tailandia




Action Air World Shoot, Rusia

Far East Asia Handgun Championship, Laos

PCC World Shoot, Estados Unidos

Shotgun World Shoot, Tailandia



European Handgun Championship, Grecia


4) Comité Disciplinario


Los términos de referencia del Comité Disciplinario de IPSC se están finalizando y se presentarán a los Directores Regionales muy pronto.


5) Capacidad del Pre-Match HWS


Entendiendo la gran demanda entre los atletas de IPSC de tener la oportunidad de participar en el Handgun World Shoot, se aprobó la decisión de aumentar la capacidad del Pre-Match de Handgun World Shoot a aproximadamente 500 slots sin cambiar el horario principal. Los detalles serán anunciados pronto.


6) Desarrollo de Action Air en las Regiones.


Debemos recordar que la Disciplina de Action Air es la plataforma donde podemos desarrollar el deporte junior, representar el juego IPSC en cualquier exhibición, convención y otros eventos públicos sin restricción general, en comparación a las armas de fuego regulares.

Los resultados del cuestionario sobre el desarrollo de Action Air en las Regiones esta disponible AQUI (haga click para descargar).


7) Asamblea General de IPSC.


La intención principal del HQ de IPSC es desarrollar nuestro deporte y actuar lógicamente en función de la situación actual mundial, teniendo en cuenta los intereses de las Regiones y los deseos de los atletas y evitar formalidades y ambiciones políticas innecesarias.

De todos modos, el Comité Ejecutivo decidió organizar una votación en línea para que los Directores Regionales elijan la mejor solución para llevar a cabo la próxima Asamblea General.


8) Informe financiero IPSC 2019


El informe financiero de IPSC 2019 se distribuirá a los Directores Regionales en la segunda mitad de 2020 para su consideración.


9) Reglas de Competencia IPSC. Interpretaciones de Junio 2020.


Se han discutido las interpretaciones de las reglas para la pistola y las reglas de competencia combinada que extienden la fecha de vencimiento de 357SIG, las divisiones Production Optics y Production Optics Light hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2021. El procedimiento apropiado para la ratificación o modificación se determinará y presentará a los Directores Regionales.


¡Muy Buenos Deseos de Salud! DVC!




Vitaly Kryuchin

Presidente de IPSC

Official Message from IPSC President – Match Calendar Changes 2020-2022

Official Message from IPSC President – Match Calendar Changes 2020-2022

Official Message from the IPSC President, Mr. Vitaly Kryuchin:

Dear Regional Directors, Athletes, Instructors, Trainers and Range Officers,
Dear Partners, Sponsors, Patrons and all the IPSC Officials,

I would like to inform you about the decision of the IPSC Executive Council to make a change in the IPSC Calendar for 2020-2022 years. These changes were approved at today’s meeting according to the majority vote of the IPSC Regional Directors with the request and consent of the host Regions.

1. Handgun World Shoot XIX and General Assembly 2020, Pattaya, Thailand postponed to November/December 2021.

2. Shotgun World Shoot IV 2021, Pattaya, Thailand postponed to November/December 2022.

3. Action Air World Shoot II 2021 is postponed to 2022. The date will be announced later.

4. PCC World Shoot 2021 is postponed to 2022. The date will be announced later.

IPSC is monitoring the situation and we are following the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization, the GAISF, and other leading health and sports authorities around the world. We are also fully aware of the recommendations on travel and restrictions imposed by airline companies and Governments.

Stay Safe!


Vitaly Kryuchin
IPSC President



Stages Released for the 2019 IPSC Australasia Handgun Championship in the Philippines

Stages Released for the 2019 IPSC Australasia Handgun Championship in the Philippines

The President of IPSC Mr. Vitaly Kryuchin released the Stages for the Australasia Handgun Championship 2019.

This IPSC Level IV shooting event will be held at the Front Sight Shooting Range in Lipa City, Batangas. The City of Lipa is located about 80 km. from Manila.

Twenty-four challenging and technically diverse stages, a festive competitive atmosphere, along with our trademark Filipino warmth and hospitality are just some of the experiences that await over 800 competitors and officials of the 2019 IPSC Australasia Handgun Championship. Main Match will be held on November 11-17, 2019.

Awards Ceremony For The 2019 IPSC European Handgun Championship Held In Serbia

The closing ceremony of the 2019 IPSC European Handgun Championship held in Belgrade, Serbia on September 14.


In 2019, almost 1200 athletes came to Serbia to compete in this challenging handgun Level IV match. This year among the athletes — 132 ladies, 245 Seniors, 37 juniors, 84 Super Seniors and 8 Super Juniors. All of them competed on equal terms and showed excellent results.


The President of the International Practical Shooting Confederation, Vitaly Kryuchin, especially thanked the Government of Serbia and the Ministry of the Interior, Police, and Authorities of the City of Belgrade for supporting such a great sporting event.


“I would like to thank the Government of Serbia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, and the City of Belgrade for the support they provided for this sport,” Mr Kryuchin said, adding that he was pleased to see 1200 competitors from around the world here in Serbia participated in the competition.


The Organizing Committee prepared 24 challenging stages for the athletes at the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit Base Naselje 13 Maj in Belgrade. The stage design was totally responded the safety requirements and according to the participants it was not as simple as it seemed at first glance, testing athletes for accuracy and speed of fire.


The EHC 2019 closing ceremony was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia Milosav Milicković, who closed the Championship, noting that the championship was at its best, with high safety standards for all participants and visitors.


“After five days of competition and competing for every second, for every shot fired and points scored, the European Handgun Championship is over. The competition was held in a socializing and fair play atmosphere, “said Milicković, after which he congratulated the competitors and medal winners on their success.


At the closing ceremony of the 2019 EHC, the Regional Director of the IPSC Serbia, Spasoje Vulević, who is also the commander of the Special Anti-Terrorism Unit, addressed to the event.


He thanked Secretary of State Milicković, as well as his team who participated in the preparation of this challenging competition, the Ministry of the Interior, as well as the City of Belgrade, who provided valuable assistance and support, as well as the President of the IPSC and all the Range Officers and helpers.


Vulević pointed out that the competition was extremely strong.


“The participants needed to have top results in order to win a medal. Speed, power, and accuracy are the basic motto of the IPSC, “said Vulević.


Two IPSC President’s medals were presented to the youngest athletes Aleksei and Dasha Stativca

(11-year-old) from Moldova and the most experienced athlete Mr Albert Rieber (82-year-old) from Germany.


The IPSC Gold Star was presented to the Regional Director of IPSC Serbia Spasoje Vulević.


“With more athletes, more countries, more sponsors and a great organization team than ever before, you raised the bar for Europeans,”Mr Kryuchin said, adding that Spasoje Vulević and his very close crew one more time provided a wonderful and exciting competition.


The second IPSC Gold Star was presented to the IROA Vice President Jose-Carlos Belino for the great work done to introduce the Electronic Scoring System (ESS), and devotion to the sport of practical shooting.


The IPSC President’s medals were presented to Match Director Spasoje Vulević, Range Master

Paulo Santos, Deputy Range Master Zoran Stamenković and Match Coordinator Milan Todorović.


The Ken Norman’s award was presented by the IROA President MrDino Evangelinos to Deputy Range Master Zoran Stamenković.


During the ceremony, the IPSC President solemnly presented certificates to the 42 MISSIA directors appointed in the IPSC regions in 2018-2019.


In conclusion, the ceremony of handing over the flag from IPSC Serbia to IPSC Greece was held, which will become the host region for the next European Handgun Championship in 2022.


IPSC congratulates all the participants and winners of the 2019 European Handgun Championship!






Revolver Division – Senior

3rd      Lindskog, Olof — Sweden

2nd     Lang, Johann — Austria

1st /PM     Schneider, Markus — Germany


Revolver Division – Overall

3rd      Nielsen, Henrik F. — Denmark

2nd      Reiter, Gerald — Austria

1st /PM     Kronawitter, Tom — Germany


Classic Division – Senior

3rd      Lento, Mika — Finland

2nd      Miglecz, Gyula — Hungary

1st/PM     Ragozin, Alexey — Russia


Classic Division – Lady

3rd      Gontšarova, Dina — Estonia

2nd      Bukareva, Olga — Russia

1st /PM     Jelena, Savković — Serbia


Classic Division – Overall

3rd      Midgley, Gregory — Germany

2nd      Boit, Julien — France

1st /PM     Cernigoj, Robert — Slovenia



Production Division – S. Senior

3rd Němeček, Zdeněk — Czech Republic


1st /PM Heller, Peter — Switzerland


Production Optics Division – S. Senior

3rd      Dazzi, Georges — France

2nd      Bettermann, Heribert — Germany

1st /PM     Kameníček, Miroslav — Czech Republic


Production Division – Senior

3rd  Cerrato, Davide — Italy

2nd  Palka, Jan — Slovak Republic

1st /PM  Vysny, Marian — Slovak Republic


Production Optics Division – Senior

3rd Haugli, Steinar — Norway

2nd Wallgren, Henning — Norway

1st /PM     Pavlik, Jan — Slovak Republic


Production Division – Junior

3rd      Nemykin, Nikita — Russia

2nd      Loupellis, Nikolaos — Greece

1st /PM     Dyadichkin, Mikhail — Russia


Production Division – Lady

3rd      Gordienko, Ekaterina — Russia

2nd      Lindberg, Cecilia — Sweden

1st /PM     Gushchina, Maria — Russia


Production Optics Division – Lady

3rd      Joe, Anna — Estonia

2nd     Pejle, Susanne — Sweden

1st /PM     Bessa, Ana — Portugal


Production Division – Overall

3rd Gushchina, Maria — Russia

2nd Ljubiša, Momčilović — Serbia

1st / PM Grauffel, Eric — France


Production Optics Division – Overall

3rd Hrnciarik, Andrej — Slovak Republic

2nd Koussev, Alexander — Bulgaria

1st /PM     Kameníček, Martin — Czech Republic


Standard Division – S. Senior

3rd    Efimov, Evgeny  — Russia

2nd   Weuster, Frank — Germany

1st /PM Magli, Esterino — Italy



Standard Division – Senior

3rd Bettoni, Leonardo — Italy

2nd Handl, Reinhard — Austria

1st /PM Santarcangelo, Adriano Ciro — Italy


Standard Division – Junior

3rd      Schröfl, Mark — Austria

2nd      Bratta, Francesco — Italy

1st      Nestolat, Vincent — France

PM Tescon, Nathaniel Bro — Philippines


Standard Division – Lady

3rd Nakling, Hilde — Norway

2nd Burkhalter, Christine — Switzerland

1st /PM Skaale, Sissal — Denmark


Standard Division – Overall

3rd Liehne, Zdeněk — Czech Republic

2nd Bolzoni, Giacomo — Italy

1st Rakušan, Josef — Czech Republic

PM TECSON, Nathaniel Bro — Philippines


Open Division – S. Senior

3rd Montesanto, Francesco Paolo — Italy

2nd Winkler, Oliver — Germany

1st /PM Obriot, Thierry — France


Open Division – Senior

3rd Czauderna, Sławomir — Poland

2nd Meier, Dominic — Switzerland

1st / PM Zanon Blasco, Jose — Spain


Open Division – Lady

3rd Ballesteros Fernanez, Lorena — Spain

2nd Hořejší, Lenka — Czech Republic

1st / PM  Šerá, Martina — Czech Republic


Open Division – Overall

3rd Obriot, Emile — France

2nd Šebo, Robin — Czech Republic

1st /PM     Ballesteros Fernandez, Jorge — Spain




Revolver Division – Overall

3rd Denmark

Nielsen, Henrik F.

Grainger, David

Mortensen, Ole

Schultz, Jakob

2nd Germany

Kronawitter, Tom

Schneider, Markus

Knaus, Günther

Jöst, Holger

1st /PM Austria

Reiter, Gerald

Kroiss, Robert

Lang, Johann

Pack, Markus


Classic Division – Senior

3rd Russia

Petrushin, Evgenii

Mitishev, Rizvan

Pushkarev, Sergey

Solovich, Oleg

2nd France

Nestolat, Michel

Altuna, Denis

Coquelle, Philippe

1st/PM Italy

Pavan Bernacchi, Filippo

Todaro, Giuseppe

Tranquilli, Valter

Ballarè, Massimo


Classic Division – Overall

3rd Russia

Ragozin, Alexey

Venetskii, Aleksandr

Kulishov, Andrey

Amirov, Ramil

2nd Germany

Midgley, Gregory

Kummer, Patrick

Hoiss, Michael

Rothe, Tim

1st/PM Italy

Anesa, Vittorio

Bragagnolo, Max

Sciurpi, Antonio

Biondi, Andrea


Production Division – Senior

3rd Sweden

Gren, Patrik

Halvarsson, Lars-olof

Svedberg, Peter

Lindholm, Morgan

2nd Slovak Republic

Vysny, Marian

Palka, Jan

Michalak, Norbert

1st/PM Italy

Cerrato, Davide

Ciccarelli, Guido

Zuccolo, Giovanni

Piccioni, Mario


Production Optics Division – Senior

2nd Germany

Wallgren, Henning

Haugli, Steinar

Strengnes, Odd

1st /PM Norway

Wallgren, Henning

Haugli, Steinar

Strengnes, Odd


Production Division – Junior

3rd Serbia

Vujčić, Bogdan

Rakić, Aleksa

Jankovic, Marko

2nd Greece

Loupellis, Nikolaos

Paliogiannis, Athanasios

Pappas, Alexandros

1st /PM Russia

Dyadichkin, Mikhail

Nemykin, Nikita

Novikov, Dmitry

Fedorov, Kirill


Production Division – Lady

3rd Italy

Giunchiglia, Ilaria

Di Prospero, Lucrezia

Boehm, Violetta

Randazzo, Licia

2nd France

Nycz, Margaux

Daguenel, Laëtitia

Vivo, Cyrielle

Clement, Aurelie

1st /PM Russia

Gordienko, Ekaterina

Drozdenko, Sofia

Gorbacheva, Irina

Deledivka, Inna


Production Division – Overall

3rd Italy

Indizio, Davide

Iorfino, Andrea

Passalia, Gianluca

Avoledo, Manuele

2nd Czech Republic

Štěpán, Michal

Zapletal, Miroslav

Strýc, Michael

Němeček, Zdeněk

1st /PM Russia

Gushchina, Maria

Torgashov, Pavel

Manturov, Evgeniy

Voyno, Alexey


Production Optics Division – Overall

3rd Germany

Nothnagel, Nils

Loch, Marijan

Eggert, Timm

Lentz, Arne

2nd Slovak Republic

Hrnciarik, Andrej

Ženčár, Pavol

Nagy, Ernest

Barancik, Ivan

1st/PM Czech Republic

Kameníček, Martin

Vinduška, Václav

Heneš, Zdeněk

Kameníček, Miroslav


Standard Division – Senior

3rd Slovenia

Jereb, Uroš

Kodrič, Jože

Leban, Bruno

Zdešar, Franci

2nd Austria

Handl, Reinhard

Benesch, Thomas

Post, Gottfried

Birner, Thomas

1st /PM Italy

Bettoni, Leonardo

Paoletti, Paolo

Magli, Esterino

Bulgherini, Bernardino


Standard Division – Lady

3rd Norway

Nakling, Hilde

Tsigakis, Tone Østreng

Kirknes, Eirin

2nd Finland

Koski, Kaisa

Mustonen, Anastasia

Vapanen, Marja-leena

1st /PM Russia

Efimova, Elena

Gordeichuk, Elena

Terentyeva, Alexandra

Zagulyaeva, Marina


Standard Division – Overall

3rd Italy

Bolzoni, Giacomo

Santarcangelo, Adriano Ciro

Del Rosario, Giulio

Antoniotti, Daniele

2nd Russia

Popov, Aleksei

Lunin, Aleksandr

Onshin, Nikolai

Titov, Vladimir

1st /PM Czech Republic

Rakušan, Josef

Liehne, Zdeněk

Znamenáček, Petr




Open Division – Senior

3rd Austria

Praschinger, Edgar

Slama, Claus

Weber, Günter Karl

Nestl, Martin

2nd Germany

Winkler, Oliver

Clausen, Torsten

Schäfer, Hans-peter

Graf, Harry

1st /PM Italy

Forlani, Dario

Buticchi, Edoardo Roberto

Barbizzi, Daniele

Ravizzini, Paolo Andrea


Open Division – Lady

3rd Austria

Aigner, Edeltraut

Nestl-Treiber, Doris

Kneringer, Sandra

2nd Italy

Canetta, Irene

Borraccia, Roberta

Marongiu, Andrea

Troiani, Domiziana

1st /PM Czech Republic

Šerá, Martina

Hořejší, Lenka

Šustrová, Kateřina


Open Division – Overall

3rd Spain

Ballesteros Fernandez, Jorge

Espilez, Ivan

Zanon Blasco, Jose

Ballesteros Fernanez, Lorena

2nd Italy

Borsari, Luca

Panetta, Cosimo

Tassone, Gregorio

D’angiolilo, Fedele

1st /PM France

Obriot, Emile

Piget, Emmanuel

Deville, Remy

Renaud, Patrick


IPSC Regional Director’s Dinner Held In Serbia – September 6, 2019

IPSC Regional Director’s Dinner Held In Serbia – September 6, 2019

IPSC Regional Director’s Dinner Held In Serbia


The 2019 European Handgun Championship (EHC) IPSC Regional Directors’ dinner took place on September 6, in Belgrade, Serbia.


During the event, the IPSC President discussed a number of regional issues related to the development of the sport of practical shooting and thanked the Regional Directors for their efforts to develop IPSC worldwide.


IPSC President Vitaly Kryuchin thanked IPSC Serbia for the 2019 EHC organization and for the Regional Directors dinner.