The 2019 Rifle World Shoot (RWS) IPSC Regional Directors’ dinner took place on August 7, 2019, in Villingsberg, Sweden.
The solemn dinner was attended by IPSC President Vitaly Kryuchin, IROA President Dino Evangelinos, IPSC Sweden Regional Director Roland Dahlman and IPSC Regional Directors from such the regions as Norway, Austria, Estonia, Italy, Finland, Netherlands, and others.
During the event, the IPSC President thanked the Swedish Regional Director for organizing the RWS II, as well as discussed a number of regional issues related to the development of the sport of practical shooting, and thanked the Regional Directors for their efforts to develop IPSC worldwide.
IPSC President Vitaly Kryuchin thanked IPSC Sweden for the 2nd Rifle World Shoot organization and for the Regional Directors dinner.