IPSC ESS (Electronic Scoring System) is the Official IPSC Electronic Scoring System for all IPSC Match Levels.
It provides paperless, wireless score recording and transmission for faster, more accurate results. 

Fast, Reliable and Accurate

IPSC ESS has been tried and tested in dozens of Level III, IV and V IPSC Matches worldwide.

The Stats Office's Ultimate Tool

Provides real time tools for the Stats and the RM to control the match, and quickly take actions, freeing the Stats Office for more strategic thinking.
See in real time when the first and last round is shot.
Real time changes in Squads, Divisions and so on.

Competitors Love It!

Every competitor has a PIN number as their signature.
Shooter’s Portal allows for results verification in real time.
Printing stations available for competitors.

The End of Paper Scoring

All paper jobs are now electronic! Briefings, Gun Check, Scoring, Chronograph, Start Position Photo and Schedule. All available to the RO at the stage with no paper need anymore.

Online and Offline

No matter if the match range has wi-fi connectivity or not! ESS can fully work in online and offline environment, thanks to multiple redundancies, data backups and data integrity checks. 

Scoring for All IPSC Match Levels

ESS is ready to score IPSC Matches from Level I to Level V, and it’s being actively used in IPSC Regions such as Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Africa, Sweden, United States, Uruguay and Zimbabwe, among others joining every week. 


Match Management
  • Real time Stage bottleneck detection.
  • Real time information for RM, CROs, Stats. No delays: allowing them to take action immediately.
  • Any changes are reflected immediately on all Stages.
  • Stats turns into the right arm of the RM, playing a strategic role. No longer a typist or “sync guy/gal”… it uses their full potential for Match Management.
  • Reduces crew needed to operate any size of match.
  • PAPERLESS: all paper jobs are now electronic! Briefings, Gun Check, Scoring, Chronograph, Start Position Photo and Schedule. All available to the RO at the stage with no paper need anymore.
    No more paper printing for running the whole match!
Real Time Information for all Shooters
  • Results on large screen TVs.
  • Last Shooter Score of the Stages on TVs… you can monitor your rival in real time!
  • Top Hit factors for Stage by Division: see in real time who is the winner of each stage.
  • Transparency: all the stats information is available to everybody, in real time.
  • Individual Passwords Protection.
  • Any change shows up to everybody.
  • All good practices of running a match are enforced, at all times.
  • All scores and changes are logged and shown by whom and when was done.
Battle-Proven on IPSC Level IV and V Matches

Since 2018, ESS has been successfuly tested and used as the Official Electronic Scoring System for the following matches:

  • Three (3) Level V: Shotgun (France), Rifle,(Sweden) and Handgun (Thailand).
  • Five (5) Level IV: Latin American ( Argentina ), Pan American ( USA ), European ( Serbia ), AustralAsia (Phillipines) and African Handgun Championship ( South Africa )
ESS Screenshots Gallery
  • Last Update: April 2023.


IPSC Regions Currently Using ESS

Level IV Matches Managed

Level V Matches Managed

Competitors Who Have Used ESS Since 2018


Introducing IPSC ESS Webpage!

Introducing IPSC ESS Webpage!

We are very excited to present IPSC ESS Official Webpage! We will publish exciting news, events and everything you need to know about the Official IPSC Electronic Scoring System. DVC!


Intro to Range Officers

ESS in Action (1)

ESS in Action (2)

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