$value){ $$key = $value; } } $db = false; # connect to database require_once("../opendb.php"); if (!$db) { echo( "Unable to connect to the " . "database server at this time."); exit(); } require_once("../includes/"); require_once("../includes/"); # echo "
\n\$_REQUEST\n"; ### DEBUG # print_r ($_REQUEST); ### DEBUG # echo "\n"; ### DEBUG # start of form processing logic if ('Submit' == $submit) { require_once("../includes/"); require_once("../includes/"); require_once("../includes/"); $diag = ''; $sancrow = 1; require_once("../includes/"); if ($diag) { $fkeys = array('subName','subEmail','matchName','city','state','club', 'numDays','minRounds','numStages','icsStages','localFee', 'cofName','cofEmail', 'usdFee','contName','contFax','contEmail','webAddr','comments'); foreach ($fkeys as $key) { $$key = stripslashes($$key); } $cofSameChecked = ($cofSame == 'Y') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; $onlineRegChecked = ($onlineReg == 'Y') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; $hasP = ($discipline == 'P') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; # Handgun $hasR = ($discipline == 'R') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; # Rifle $hasM = ($discipline == 'M') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; # Mini-Rifle $hasS = ($discipline == 'S') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; # Shotgun $hasC = ($discipline == 'C') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; # Pcc $hasA = ($discipline == 'A') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; # Air $hasU = ($discipline == 'U') ? ' CHECKED' : ''; # Tournament $hasG = ($discipline == 'T' or $discipline == 'G' ) ? ' CHECKED' : ''; # Grand Tournament ?> Missing or Invalid Fields.
The following errors were found in your submission.
Thank you.
(Match Reference )
You will receive an email giving you a link to your registered match. You must visit that link to confirm your match registration. Your submission will be reviewed by IPSC only after you confirm it as described above. If everything checks out, the entry will be added to the IPSC Calendar in the next few days.
Please use the form below to supply or correct these fields.
The following documents describe the match registration and sanctioning process. They are available in English and Spanish.
English | Español |
Match Registration Manual | Manual de Registro de Competencias |
Match Registration Workflow | Workflow de Registro de Competencias |
To register your IPSC Level III match, please fill in the form below. Fields whose titles are in bold are required. All others are optional.
To open a window that describes all the fields in the form, click here.