Match Registration

The following documents describe the match registration and sanctioning process. They are available in English and Spanish.

English EspaƱol
Match Registration Manual Manual de Registro de Competencias
Match Registration Workflow Workflow de Registro de Competencias

To register your IPSC Level III match, please fill in the form below. Fields whose titles are in bold are required. All others are optional.

To open a window that describes all the fields in the form, click here.

Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Course of Fire Submitter: Same as above OR
Match Name:
Match Start Date: - - Number of Days:
Minimum Rounds: Number of Stages:
Online Registration: Number of ICS Stages:
Entry Fee (Local): Entry Fee (USD):
Registration Deadline: - -
Discipline: Handgun      Rifle     Mini-Rifle     Shotgun     Pcc     Air
Tournament Grand Tournament
Match Contact Name:
Contact Fax:
Contact Email:
Match Web Site: