Gold medals are awarded to the top placing individuals in IPSC sanctioned matches. (See Match Results)

The 2004 President's List of Medal Winners is here.

Please note:
Medals are awarded to Division winners (Open, Standard, Classic, Production and Revolver) only when there are at least 10 competitors in the Division Division for Level III matches (20 competitors in the Division for Level IV and higher matches), and to Category winners (Lady, Junior, Senior, Super Senior) only when there are at least 5 competitors in the Category.


IPSC Region


[FLAG] Brazil (BRA) 111
[FLAG] Germany (GER) 99
[FLAG] Italy (ITA) 71
[FLAG] Czech Republic (CZE) 65
[FLAG] Canada (CAN) 63
[FLAG] Philippines (PHI) 54
[FLAG] United States (USA) 46
[FLAG] South Africa (RSA) 40
[FLAG] Argentina (ARG) 38
[FLAG] Australia (AUS) 31
[FLAG] France (FRA) 28
[FLAG] Greece (GRE) 26
[FLAG] Austria (AUT) 20
[FLAG] Switzerland (SUI) 18
[FLAG] Norway (NOR) 16
[FLAG] Ecuador (ECU) 15
[FLAG] Great Britain (GBR) 13
[FLAG] Netherlands (NED) 12
[FLAG] Spain (ESP) 11
[FLAG] Sweden (SWE) 11
[FLAG] Thailand (THA) 10
[FLAG] Israel (ISR) 7
[FLAG] Russia (RUS) 7
[FLAG] Chile (CHI) 6
[FLAG] Hong Kong, China (HKG) 6
[FLAG] Venezuela (VEN) 6
[FLAG] Denmark (DEN) 5
[FLAG] Finland (FIN) 5
[FLAG] Bolivia (BOL) 4
[FLAG] Colombia (COL) 4
[FLAG] Lithuania (LTU) 4
[FLAG] Papua New Guinea (PNG) 4
[FLAG] Guatemala (GUA) 3
[FLAG] Poland (POL) 3
[FLAG] Slovenia (SLO) 3
[FLAG] Slovak Republic (SVK) 3
[FLAG] Zimbabwe (ZIM) 3
[FLAG] Belgium (BEL) 2
[FLAG] Hungary (HUN) 2
[FLAG] (SAM) 2
[FLAG] (BSH) 1
[FLAG] Paraguay (PAR) 1
[FLAG] Puerto Rico (PUR) 1

2004 President's List

This honor role shows the individuals who have won three or more gold medals.
Eric Grauffel (FRA) 11
Magli Esterino (ITA) 10
Adam Tyc (CZE) 8
Domingues, Lucimar (BRA) 8
Petra Tutschke (GER) 8
Saul Kirsch (ISR) 8
Martin Kamenicek (CZE) 7
Randy Fisher (CAN) 7
Rolf Neff (GER) 7
Timo Kosiol (GER) 7
Brum, Wagner (BRA) 6
Buticchi Edoardo Roberto (ITA) 6
Claudio Annes (BRA) 6
Kraushofer Gabriele (AUT) 6
Mano, Claudio (BRA) 6
Roland Tan (PHI) 6
Canetta Irene (ITA) 5
Ferreira, Jose Josias L (BRA) 5
Gentile Ricardo (ARG) 5
Horst Przybyla (GER) 5
Joel Cohen (RSA) 5
Joel Gerard (FRA) 5
Midgley, Gregory (SUI) 5
Minaglia Daniel (ARG) 5
Toia Adalberto (ITA) 5
Auger, Michael (CAN) 4
Bencivenni Ivano (ITA) 4
Brodie McIntosh (AUS) 4
Colin Amm (RSA) 4
Damm, Oliver (GER) 4
Desiree Van Noord (NED) 4
Dietrich, Bjorn (NED) 4
Eduardo Pontual (BRA) 4
Jaime Saldanha Jr (BRA) 4
Janis Keaney (RSA) 4
Jensen, Ralf K (DEN) 4
Jeufro Lejano (PHI) 4
Kryuchin Vitaly (RUS) 4
Marcelo, Edgar (BRA) 4
Markus Meichtry (SUI) 4
Max Wiegand (GER) 4
Michael Ku (PHI) 4
Miroslav Kamenicek (CZE) 4
Parmagnani, DSalvio (BRA) 4
Ribas, Augusto (BRA) 4
Saldanha, Roberto (BRA) 4
Santarcangelo Adriano (ITA) 4
Thompson, Mauro (BRA) 4
Volker Loeffler (GER) 4
Zdenek Nemecek (CZE) 4
A. Sklavis (GRE) 3
Aguiar, Ocimaer De S. (BRA) 3
Anderson, Colin (AUS) 3
Antonio Garcia Infantes (ESP) 3
Benjie Belarmino (PHI) 3
Bernhard Eidenschink (GER) 3
Brocanelli Paolo (ITA) 3
Chris Tilley (USA) 3
Dan Gonzales (PHI) 3
De Farias, Kennedy K. (BRA) 3
Della Savia Alain Marco (ITA) 3
Derrill Imrie (CAN) 3
Esposito Antonio (ARG) 3
Fabian Scott (RSA) 3
Flavio Pereira (BRA) 3
Graf, Harry (GER) 3
Haugli, Steinar (NOR) 3
Hor�cio Cariello (BRA) 3
Hudson, Robbin (CAN) 3
James Harris (GBR) 3
Jiri Horak (CZE) 3
Jovi Federico (ITA) 3
Juan Carlos Jaime Diaz (ESP) 3
Kay Clark Miculek (USA) 3
L.J. Dela Cruz (PHI) 3
Maia Saldanha Junior, Jaime Robe (BRA) 3
Mario Mori (AUS) 3
Matzembacher, Wilson (BRA) 3
Max Michel Jr. (USA) 3
Michael Voigt (USA) 3
Narongsak, Kaewmuangpet (THA) 3
Nicolas Blum (ECU) 3
Petr Znamenacek (CZE) 3
Storey, James (CAN) 3
Susan Kriel (RSA) 3
Suzy Ballantyne (AUS) 3
Vi�a Horacio (ARG) 3
Wittmann, Horst (GER) 3
Zuccolo Giovanni (ITA) 3

The results are still available for the following years: